Arina Dorin Testimonial

Raluca has done an excellent job during our entire collaboration. She successfully handled many specialized translations that SDL Romania contracts, using her professional knowledge of English. She has shown promptness in delivering tasks every time, and she has been accurate and efficient in her work. Raluca has always strictly complied with our project managers’ instructions […]

Paraschiva Bloju Testimonial

During our first collaboration, Raluca has delivered translations and proofreading projects for our company with a high level of professionalism. We always follow a specific workflow that includes translation, proofreading and final DTP proofreading for each project. Raluca has always received any feedback from us very openly and willing to apply it for future projects […]

Michelle Xiao Testimonial

We, at Global Image Network would like to recommend Raluca Ana as a candidate as a translator for any organization. In her position as a translator, Rlauca was employed on a freelance basis at our company for the past year. Raluca did an excellent job as a Romanian translator and was an asset to our […]

Adrian Dumitru testimonial

Raluca Ana has worked for our company as a translator and proofreader and has done an excellent job during our entire collaboration. She has successfully handled many specialized IT&C translations with her professional knowledge of English, she has shown promptness in delivering tasks every day, and she has been accurate and efficient in her work. […]

Salko Krijestorac testimonial

I am very satisfied with Raluca’s English to Romanian translation of She went beyond the call of duty to promote and introduce the concept of to Romania. She overcame the challenge of the lack of a direct Romanian translation of ‘Prodam Sam’, which means ‘For Sale By Owner’ in most Slavic languages. Overall, […]