I am very satisfied with Raluca’s English to Romanian translation of She went beyond the call of duty to promote and introduce the concept of to Romania. She overcame the challenge of the lack of a direct Romanian translation of ‘Prodam Sam’, which means ‘For Sale By Owner’ in most Slavic languages.

Overall, I would be glad to continue working with her for future Romanian translation, localization, or promotion services. She did a superb job, was punctual, and ensured the job was done right under minimal supervision.

Salko Krijestorac – Managing Editor


To be a translator requires much more than knowing two different languages, and translating word by word from one into the other one. After 15 years of experience as a translator, I have come to gain my personal work flow which easily adapts to every client’s special requirements as well. For more details, please see the Translations page, within this menu.


Generally, a proofreading job comes with specific requirements from a client. When I start a proofreading job, I always keep these ones in mind, as well as making sure I do not make any preferential changes unless these improve the overall quality of the text and benefits the end user.

Proofreading involves more than correcting orthography, or grammar mistakes. It involves reading the text as an end user and making sure the original message has been accurately conveyed into the target language, while also localizing and adapting the tone to the target culture.

Third Party Quality Check

At times, companies ask me to do a third party quality analysis. The purpose of this procedure is not to shame and blame the translator or the proofreader, but moreover to objectively and systematically analyse the standard of the original translation and/or proofread.

Usually, this analysis is delivered in the form of a report based on spell check, quality check and any other comments that involve constructive feedback that can be passed on to the original translator. Generally, the report includes measurable criteria.


Based on Brian Nichols (Lionbridge Marketing) excellent article on the difference between a translation and localization, here are two clear definitions of Website translation and Website localization:

  • Website translation is the process of changing an original (source) language version of web content such as text, multimedia, ebooks, or apps into a different (target) language by simply substituting words from one language to another—in context.’
  • Website localization is a more specialized process of adapting your web content and applications for regional—or local—consumption. It goes beyond translation to modify the source language and other site elements to appeal to the customer’s cultural preferences in their own target language.’

For more information, please see the Localisation link under this menu.

A professional Website translation will bring a clean and clear translation of your products, company vision, etc.